Unparalleled accuracy and precision down to submicron levels.
Elevate your project with results that bring clients back.
NiPro’s DT center has five, 3-5 axis machines regularly creating precision custom optical components for the world’s top industries.

NiPro leads the industry in Precision Optics.
Complex geometries of nanometer tolerances? No Problem.
We take the orders other manufacturers couldn’t fulfill using Single Point Diamond Turning (SDPT) from multiple materials. NiPro specializes in working with both metal and plastics to create Prisms, digital reflectors, precision mirrors, metal reflectors, off-axis parabolas, lens arrays, polygon mirrors, ophthalmic mold inserts, mandrels and more.
We’ve developed proprietary solutions to optimize manufacturability of extremely complex geometries that put us ahead of the competition.
Most industries trust NiPro’s engineering and craftsmanship for mirrors delivering unbeatable reflectivity and precision.